Contact Us: 1-416-841-2196 or [email protected]

Celebrating 17 Years in Business

OMG, we're 17!

Thank you to all of our loyal clients and wonderful family who have and continue to support us after 17 amazing years in business. Because of all of you we have been able to change the lives of thousands of individuals with our fitness, nutrition, weight loss programs and more!

Back in 2004 we embarked on a mission to take a one-size-fits-all approach to fitness and turn it into something that was customizable, had integrity, sustainability, and could change lives across all demographics – from teens to seniors, homes and corporations. In fact, we were the very first in-home Personal Training company in Toronto, Canada, servicing not only homes, offices and cottages, but also major Ontario resorts like J.W Marriott, Taboo, Red Leaves, and Muskoka Bay Club. We’ve also had the pleasure of working with major corporations like BMO, KMH, IBM, Penmore, STAK Fitness, Coca-Cola, Molson Canadian, and AstraZeneca, to name only a few.

Over the years we’ve grown in our ability to reach endless numbers of clients through our online presence with tons of free nutrition and weight loss tips and strategies, challenges, giveaways, Facebook groups, and our not-for-profit. Plus, our paid weight loss, nutrition, fitness, athletic training, personal coaching, and lifestyle programs have been major ways of helping individuals and families alike. And we’re also proud to announce our newest online membership program is up and running now too!

We’ve always had a genuine passion to help individuals create their most dynamic, happiest life possible. And we’re happy to say that our mission continues to be a major success, forever changing the landscape of what “personalized fitness” means – no matter what challenges exist in an individual’s daily life.

Looking forward to many more successful years DOING WHAT WE LOVE with integrity and compassion -- helping individuals overcome their most challenging goals and live their best lives ever!

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