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Balanced Nutrition 101: The Basics

One thing we can't stress enough is the understanding that a "diet" is something you follow short-term, while a balanced "nutrition" plan ensures you're including a variety of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that your requirement for carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and alternative nutrients will be met within the parameters of your specific caloric needs  – ALWAYS.

It’s not only the type of food but the ingredients that make it nutritious. So, it becomes a no-brainer then that in order to maintain good health, limit your consumption of empty calories, and instead try to get your calories from foods that maximize nutritional value.

For example, a homemade pizza with a natural food base and plenty of fresh veggies on top may be a healthy choice. In contrast, premade pizzas and other highly processed foods often contain empty calories and can not only sabotage your waistline but your over-all health too.


Nutrition Is A Balancing...

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Getting Fitness & Nutrition Back On Track

fitness nutrition Mar 19, 2021

Take a vacation from your fitness efforts this winter? Well, if you’re like most there’s a good chance you did. Now that your kids are back at school, we know you're pumped to get back in your spring exercise groove and strive towards your weight loss and fitness goals.

From nutrition nonsense to exercise and protein intake, I’ve got the tips to get your quarantine fitness regimen on point fast so you can see tangible results before warm weather hits. So, here’s how to get going in the right direction…(Hint: good things come in 3’s)…


Streamline Your Exercise Routine for Optimal Results

Short of cloning yourself, how can you make the time to take your “better than nothing” style of workouts to the next level?

Whether at home or at the local gym, here’s 3 timesaving, turbo-charged tips to getting it done right…

  1. Plan your exercise routine ahead of training. Standing in front of your equipment...
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3 Elements Every Nutrition Plan Needs

Though obviously having no relation to fitness, Ray Bradbury once stated, "Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information... they'll get a sense of motion without moving."

Sure, the subject matter is different, but the concept is the same when it comes to how most people feel after surfing for nutrition info on the web. They are quick to buy into a new philosophy or hot trend because with their brain now maxed they feel pumped they have the ball rolling. Then the cooldown comes after all the excitement and they realize they're unsure how to apply it to their lives. There's the all-to-common stumbling block.

Nutrition, diet and fitness plans are seemingly infinite, but only the TRUE health components go the distance – those must-haves that create physical longevity and establish a healthy lifestyle. So how can one sift through the clutter to overcome the seduction of what's hot and...

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