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Why HR Doesn’t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company - PT 2a: Wellness Program Challenges of HR Leaders

(Inspired by, and featuring exclusive content from our Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive with special guest, Kim Chernecki, CEO & Founder of Freedom Street, Canada's leading expert in helping freelance executives, consultants, and coaches land lucrative corporate contracts. Kim is also the fractional Director of Business Development & Growth at MacKay CEO Forums.)

HR as a profession has undergone a significant disruption in the last two and a half to three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stress and fatigue have led to an unprecedented turnover of HR leaders as fallout to the pandemic. “I was speaking to Marty Parker, CEO of Waterstone human capital, a North American firm,” Kim explains, and he said that he has never seen such an exodus of HR leaders leaving organizations or changing organizations due to burnout. Physically and mentally.”

When the pandemic hit, HR leaders were tasked with managing their employees remotely and handling new and...

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Why HR Doesn’t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company – Multi-Part Series. PT 1: Assessing Workplace Wellness in 2023

 By eLifestyle President, Wellness Culture Synergist & Executive Wellness Expert, Robb Armstrong

Workplace wellness is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. In the new world of work, as employers, it is more essential than ever to assess the wellness of our employees to ensure they are happy, healthy, and equipped to perform their best. To provide a brief overview of the landscape we’re currently faced with, in this blog post, we will discuss the importance of assessing workplace wellness and provide some Canadian statistics to help understand the current state of employee wellness in our country.

Workplace wellness is defined as the “activities and programs that promote overall health and well-being among employees.” This includes a wide range of activities such as health screenings, fitness programs, stress management, and mental health support. By promoting and encouraging these activities, employers can help their...

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Nutrition Meltdown? Try Low GI

Post-New Year resolutions can fizzle out fast when your focus fades, and comfort food can often start to replace the balanced nutrition plan you organized to complement your new 2021 exercise goals. However, with February poised as the official countdown to Spring, it’s a perfect time to jump back in the saddle with renewed zest for sensible eating and weight loss. You'll be supercharged to trim weight, drop inches, and build a lean, sculpted body – all in time for beach season!

Hitting the Nutrition Recharge Button

This time of year the winter blah’s can creep in when the temperature drops and daylight dwindles. And if your New Year goal of getting up bright and early to workout at 6am before work and your kid's online school has burned out, we’ve got you covered. We'll share some great nutrition tips designed to help hit the recharge button and fast-track your success.

One of the best and easiest ways to start is to go low GI as studies have shown that it...

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