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Why HR Doesn’t Have Time to Think About a Wellness Strategy & What It's Costing Your Company - Multi-part series: Ft. Jeff Tobe

Inspired by, and featuring exclusive content from our Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive with special guest, Jeff Tobe, Innovation and Customer Experience Expert, Certified Speaking Professional, and Best-Selling Author. Jeff is the author of the wildly popular book, “Coloring Outside the Lines” and his newest book, The CX Edge: Critical Customer Experience Questions to Help You ATTRACT, WOW and KEEP Customers, is becoming one of the hottest business books on the market. 


Part 3b: Wellness = Employee Engagement = Customer Experience

Continuing from last time…

When it comes to creating wellness programs and the perceived costs for the organization to produce the best internal customer experience (those being your employees), Jeff says a path to the right solution is about maintaining perspective. “I love to say this: see the world from your customer's eyes and you'll see the way your customer buys. Are we looking at things from their perspective?”

This is where well-thought-out wellness programs come in. By investing in the well-being of their employees through a lens of unique perspectives and understanding, companies can create a positive cycle of success that benefits everyone involved. Engaged employees are more likely to provide excellent customer service, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. This, in turn, can lead to increased profitability and a more successful business.

Wellness programs are more than just a trendy perk for employees. They are a strategic investment in the well-being of the workforce, and they can have a significant impact on the bottom line. By creating an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and engaged, companies can improve productivity, reduce turnover, and increase customer satisfaction. “In other words, Jeff explains, my entire theory is that the more engaged people are internally, the better the experience externally. Although most of the work we do is an external customer experience, it really is focused on getting people engaged internally so that the end experience is much better.”

The statistics speak for themselves. According to a study by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, 56% of employees had fewer sick days because of wellness programs. Additionally, well-implemented workplace health programs can lead to 25% savings each on absenteeism, health care costs, and workers’ compensation and disability management claims costs. This shows that investing in wellness programs can be a smart financial decision for companies.

Furthermore, 84% of employers reported higher productivity and performance from their employees due to wellness plans in 2019, up from 77% in 2018 and 75% in 2017. In the same year, 72% of employers said they saw a reduction in healthcare costs due to implementing wellness programs, and wellness programs were found to reduce absenteeism by 14%.

The benefits of wellness programs go beyond just financial savings. They can also improve employee morale and overall well-being. Employees who feel supported in all aspects of their lives are more likely to feel satisfied and engaged at work. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and a more committed and loyal workforce.

So, what exactly do wellness programs entail? They can include a wide range of initiatives, from gym memberships and fitness classes to mental health resources and nutrition education. The idea is to provide employees with the tools and resources they need to live a healthy and balanced life, both inside and outside of work.

Some examples of successful wellness programs include offering healthy snacks in the office, providing standing desks or ergonomic chairs, offering meditation or yoga classes, and providing mental health resources such as counseling, stress-management workshops, and even customized employee and family accessible Corporate Digital Wellness Portals. Companies can also incentivize employees to participate in wellness programs by offering rewards or prizes for achieving health goals or participating in fitness challenges.

The opportunities really rest on the understanding and creativity of your leadership. “Right now employees are looking for a workplace where they feel a sense of belonging and where they think their employer cares. And simply showing you care can increase employee engagement by up to 64%, according to the Gallup organization last year,” Jeff reports.

To conclude, wellness programs are an investment in the well-being of the workforce that can have significant benefits for both employees and employers. By creating an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and engaged, companies can improve productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The benefits of wellness programs extend beyond just financial savings, to employee morale and overall well-being. Companies that invest in wellness programs that are tailored, unique, inclusive, and diverse are investing in the future success of their business.


Be on the lookout for the next blog in this multi-part series!

By eLifestyle President, Blogger, Wellness Culture Synergist & Executive Wellness Expert, Robb Armstrong


➡️ To view our full Sept. 2022 Virtual Wellness Intensive Replay, CLICK THE LINK:

➡️ Interested in a Workplace Wellness Plan for your organization? Book a 30-min. consultation with eLifestyle CEO, Wellness Culture Synergist and Executive Wellness Expert, Leah Epstein Armstrong!

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